
07 Jul 20

#MIRtogether with Lamirau Technologies: the first respiratory telemedicine network in France

Langlade, France. Q&A session with Mr. Denis Camps, founder and CEO of LAMIRAU Technologies.

Q. What is the main business of your Company, your mission and achievements
A. Lamirau Technologies has 3 main activities:

  • We develop some medical and telemedicine applications in the respiratory area,
  • We integrate third party medical devices with our technologies,
  • We chose MIR as our parner for Spirometry, and represent MIR complete range of products in France and in the francophone African countries.

Our main development project is the Pneumotel network: The first French respiratory telemedicine network with more than 1000 patients connected. It is dedicated to lung transplantations, COPD, Asthma, Cystic Fibrosis and other respiratory pathologies. The first version of the network started in 2008, where patient used a Spirotel sending its data to Winspiro Pro software via a data server. Since 2015, the project made 2 majors updates with a new version proposing the Spirobank Smart integration, with Android and iOS Apps and a full web portal for medical teams which permits to visualize trends, curves, set some alarms and make a powerful patient monitoring. From 2015, we received more than 200 000 transmissions.

We also developed 2 other applications:

  • PneumoPharma: In France, Pharmacists have the authorization to perform respiratory screening. Paired to an asthma survey of the CNAM (French National Health Insurance Fund), we develop an application for Android and iOS where Pharmacists can perform a simple Spirometry screening.
  • PneumoConnect: In France, Physiotherapists perform the Respiratory Rehabilitation with patients. To do that, we developed an application for Android and iOS to perform a simple spirometry with the Spirobank Smart.

Q. Can you tell something more about the homecare market in France?
A. On lung transplantation area, the Spirotel got a reimbursement when it is prescribed by a medical team. For the cystic fibrosis, some projects have a budget from the ARS (Health Regional Agency) to buy the Spirobank Smart and use the telemedicine.

Q. Why you chose MIR as a partner for spirometry?
A. It all started with a personal meeting with MIR management and we represent MIR products in France since many years now. MIR products are accurate, reliable and durable. We can really get the most from the integration and don't waste time with hardware issues. Our technical team can focus on software development and fulfil our customer requests.

Q. Which MIR spirometer is currently integrated with your software solution?
A. At first, we integrated the Spirotel cause it was the first MIR spirometer designed for integration in homecare threatments. Now we also have integration with Spirobank Smart and Spirodoc, in a number of different applications.

Q. Are your projects designed specifically to help patients with a specific disease?
A. Of course, it is the main goal of Pneumotel. To follow patients from home to have a best vision of their pathology and help them to communication with their medical team. This protocol improve the patient treatment observance Our focus is actually quite wide: we can cover the main respiratory pathologies (Asthma, Cystic Fibrosis, COPD…)

Q. What makes your solution unique compared to other solutions available in the market?
A. We developed the first and only French respiratory telemedicine network. We work with hospitals, Cystic fibrosis centers, etc. We have great knowledge of the respiratory sectors and we help our clients and their patients by developing and updating daily our solutions.

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Spirobank Smart

Spiromètre sur appli

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