29 May 2018
A home monitoring program including real-time wireless home spirometry in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: a pilot study on experiences and barriers
C. C. Moor, M. Wapenaar, J. R. Miedema, J. J. M. Geelhoed, P. P. Chandoesing and M. S. Wijsenbeek
22 May 2018
Patient-Reported Monitoring of Symptoms and Spirometry Via the patientMpower Platform in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
S. Walsh, T. Cahill, C. Edwards, E. Costello, J. Walsh, A. Russell, A. W. O'Regan; University Hospital Galway, Galway, Ireland, patientMpower Ltd, Dublin, Ireland, National Heart and Lung Institiute, Imperial College & Royal Brompton Hospital, London, United Kingdom.
01 January 2018
Sustainability of use of an electronic health journal (patientMpower) for pulmonary fibrosis in a US patient support group (PF Warriors) over 180 days.
Colin Edwards, Bill Vick, Eamonn Costello
01 January 2018
A4933/P144 Patient - reported Monitoring of Symptoms and Spirometry via the patientMpower Platform in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
S Walsh, T Cahill, C Edwards, E Costello, J Walsh, A-M Russell, A O'Regan
22 September 2017
Pilot Study to Test the Utility and Acceptability of An Electronic Health Record (patientMpower) for Patients With Lung Fibrosis
Colin Edwards, PhD; Nicola Cassidy; Eamonn Costello; Anne-Marie Russell
12 July 2017
A pilot-scale observational study of self-monitoring of symptoms and spirometry via the patientMpower platform in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.
Colin Edwards, PhD, Eamonn Costello, Anthony O’Regan